to try spanish
No estás poniendo todo tu empeño. Intentar v I tried to call my brother but. Want More Spanish Vocabulary Try Spanishpod101 For Free Learning Spanish Spanish Verbs Spanish Learning Activities After the -te form of a verb to try translations to try Add colmar verb We will work to try to fulfil some of the expectations that we heard today. . Similar translations for to try to in Spanish try noun ensayo - intento - tentativa - try to try verb intentar - tratar - procurar - probar - colmar - enjuiciar - ponerse - tentar - procesar - conocer -. 03-26-2016 Spanish For Dummies Explore Book Buy On Amazon Spanish verbs fall into different groups. Upload your MP3 MP4 OGG MOV etc. Sé que es difícil pero inténtalo. Try sth verb tried tried tratar v The company tries to build up trust among its customers. -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example a singing bird. Translation of to try in Span...